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Playing The Jazz Standards..& More...
B i o g r a p h y

David Smith.a.k.a..JUSTDAVE grew up in Lower Michigan and started playing the trumpet at age 10. "I knew I was different when everyone was listening to records from THE BEATLES,ELVIS,and the 60's Rock n Roll, I was listening and playing along to the tunes of TONY BENNETT, AL HIRT, HERB ALPERT and watching DOC SEVERINSEN from The Tonight Show blowin down the house".
Playing in Saginaw Michigan in various Jazz Orchestras, Out Of The Past Big Band, Jeff Hall's (The Hall Mighty Jazz Orchestra), and other professionals like Daniel Smith (brother..Saxophone/film score composer), Tim Priddy..(trumpet/educator), and various Pit and Balcony Shows, and BayCity Players. David Also played in a 70's R&B Band (Betterdays, with brother Dan). David also played for with Tim Priddy, Myron Cohen of The Lawrence Welk Show
After raising 5 children in 35 years and moving to Edmond, Ok where he now calls home with his wife Jennifer, "It's Time to venture out and play some music"
Playin' the Standards...And More....
JUSTDAVE ..does just THAT!

Oklahoma City and Surrounding Area
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